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STOP HATE, EDUCATE! is an all-volunteer, community-based, and community-supported 501c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to reducing prejudice and hate through promoting community sponsored events and education in and for the LGBT community.

The WWLA Commitee is an all-volunteer, non-profit LGBT country western  dance community group  dedicated to promoting the Equality of Country Western dancing through dance instruction, forums, performance and public dance events without gender or sexuality discrimination. Partnering ourselves with groups such as CSW LA Pride, OUTfest LA and the IAGLCWDC, we are commited to bringing the LA  and international community together through fun non-profit events, entertainment and forums.  

Wrangler Weekend Los Angeles is a LGBTQ community event for anyone interested in Country Western couple dancing, line dancing and the west coast swing community.  In co-operation with our host partners and community sponsors, we've invited members of the LGBT Country Western dance community to come share their talents and skills with the LA community to build a fun and friendly country western weekend dance event.


As an official part of the IAGLCWDC family, our members and volunteers strive to promote Equality through fun and friendly Country Western dance instruction, forums, performances, and public events without discrimination of gender or sexual orientation. 


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